Today’s update includes another loooong list of changes & tweaks to the calendar, attendance , and lesson notes – including a highly-requested change to make the attendance page wider for better note-taking! Check out these updates and more, below:
Student Management:
- We updated an error message that appeared when the student import tool ran into an issue related to the combined first & last name column
- We fixed an issue that occurred when importing students with the same name, where the parent of the second student would incorrectly be added as a family contact for the first student
- We fixed an issue with the student birthday format, that in some cases prevented the student list from displaying all students correctly
- We updated the student list so the number of students in each status shown at the top of the page is now clickable and will filter to show you only the students in that status
- We updated what happens when switching an adult student to a child student, so it will now prompt you to choose whether to add the student to an existing family or create a new one
- We fixed an issue where the Quick Select copy address button was showing an empty dropdown when there were no address saved in that family yet
- We fixed an error that was occurring when creating a new family that had a duplicate family contact (it will now warn you that duplicates were found so you can select the right family)
- We fixed an issue where student names weren’t displaying in the payroll section for non-admin teacher accounts who had the ability to view their own payroll details (this only occurred for students set to a monthly price with teachers set to a % of revenue pay rate)
- We fixed an issue where non-admin teachers with the ability to manage other teachers’ lessons/events & students couldn’t select the studio email address as the sender on a new email
- We fixed an issue where family contact names in the dropdown weren’t using the correct naming format selected under Business Settings
- We removed the checkboxes in the student list for teachers without most user privileges since they don’t have access to use that options available when selecting multiple students
Calendar & Attendance
- We redesigned the attendance page on desktop to make better use of space – you’ll notice the lesson notes area is much bigger, allowing you to see lots and lots of notes on your screen!
- We fixed an issue with overdue attendance where switching to a different teachers’ attendance would update the teacher name but not the events listed
- We fixed an issue where changing the main teacher in a lesson set to have a substitute teacher would freeze if some of the students were not assigned to the new main teacher
- We fixed an issue where the special characters dropdown was getting cut off on some smaller screen sizes
- When scrolling down on the bulk attendance page to select a student, the page will now automatically scroll back to the top to show the attendance details if they’re not already in view
- We fixed an issue where events that ended at midnight displayed across two days on the calendar
- We added the teacher’s name for each event while taking bulk attendance
- We fixed an issue where cloning an event that was just dragged and dropped to another time in the weekly agenda view would display the original time
- On mobile, you’ll now be automatically scrolled up to the conflict detection warning instead of remaining at the bottom of the page
- We removed the public description from the simple event view (it should’ve only displayed in detailed view)
- We fixed an issue where the final lesson when taking bulk attendance was displaying the Save & Continue button rather than Save & Exit button
- In-progress repertoire on the attendance page is now listed alphabetically, rather than by date added
- We removed the teacher’s name from events in a single teacher account… again (oops!)
- The pop-up message for lesson note drafts or automatically copied lesson notes now automatically goes away after a few seconds instead of needing to be clicked close
- We made a change to the default calendar view so it now remembers your last view on that device and will open that one by default (mobile remembers mobile and desktop remembers desktop!) – because of this change, we removed the option in your calendar preferences to set a specific default view
- We fixed an error that occurred when substitute teachers were trying to email themselves lesson notes from the attendance page (it was related to the original teacher not having the ability to take their own attendance)
- We fixed an error that occurred when dragging and dropping an all-day event in the day agenda view
- We updated the Save & Continue behavior on mobile so it’s more clear which student is currently selected (on desktop it was always visible in the header)
- We fixed an issue where the text editor didn’t load correctly on the attendance page when the previous lesson in the recurring series didn’t have that attendee scheduled
- In day view, non-admin teachers with the ability to manage other teachers’ lessons can now see the teacher’s availability
- We cleaned up the calendar preferences to remove any options that aren’t impacted by the simple & detailed event views
- We fixed an error in the timeline view where the Take Attendance option would appear for events with no attendees
- We fixed an issue where certain calendar events weren’t loading properly due to the Daylight Savings Time change
- We fixed an issue where the event’s date & time weren’t displaying at the top of the attendance page
- We fixed an issue with the formatting in lesson notes where sublevel bullets in a list weren’t displaying with the correct indentation when printed
Student Portal
- We fixed an issue where the number of make-up credits was being rounded up to the nearest whole number instead of correctly displaying if they have partial credits (it now displays up to 2 decimals)
- We updated the location in the event pop-up for Skype & FaceTime events so it’s no longer clickable from the Student Portal (since teacher’s are the ones to initiate the call)
- We fixed an issue where the navigation buttons at the top of the calendar were getting partially cut off on smaller screen sizes
- We fixed an issue where external links weren’t opening correctly in the Recent Notes section of the home page (they did work correctly if you went to the main Attendance & Notes page)
- We streamlined the Unassign Teachers dialog so it’s less steps to complete
- We fixed an issue in Online Resources where clicking the name of the folder in the top navigation would keep adding the folder name to the end of the navigation
- We fixed an issue where images included in certain email templates weren’t displaying
- We added the ability to link to a student’s profile from their Family Account page on mobile (we added this to the desktop version in a previous update)
- We updated the calendar view submenus so they close automatically once an option is selected
- We fixed an error that occurred when trying to update the student access for files or folders in Online Resources
- We’ve changed the default option for recurring manual transactions to be monthly instead of weekly
- We updated the default mode on the Expenses & Other Revenue page so it will always default to the last option you had selected (accrual vs cash)
- We made a change to improve the loading times for payroll balance information
- We fixed an issue where resizing your browser window smaller and then maximizing it again hid the main menu on the left
- Various small cosmetic & text changes throughout
Please note: If you have any questions or require assistance with your account, please contact our support team at support@mymusicstaff.com