Attendance Improvements

Attendance Improvements

February 16, 2016 Weekly Updated - My Music Staff
Hi Everyone,

Here’s what’s new and improved this week:

  • On your home page agenda there is now an option at the bottom of the agenda to set the attendance for all lessons at once.
  • If you set attendance for all lessons at once (either as overdue attendance, or from the home page agenda), and select « Present« , My Music Staff will automatically switch it to « Present, Use Make-Up Credit » for lessons that are scheduled as make-ups.
  • The calendar has two new options (located on your My Preferences page):
    • You can now turn off days of the week on your calendar to save space. For example, if you studio is closed Saturday and Sunday, you can now hide these days to save some screen space.
    • In « Month » view mode, there is an option to condense each calendar item to a single line (like Google Calendar).
  • We fixed an issue that could cause group lessons to be changed to open make-up slots if a single student canceled their attendance. Now the group lesson remains a group lesson unless ALL student’s cancel (as expected). The lesson will be switched to a make-up slot at that point, and only if your Studio Policy allows it.
  • Building on last week’s changes: When you take attendance, if you select the « Student Paid At Lesson » option, you now see a Payment Method drop-down list if you’re studio is using the payment methods feature.
  • If you use the printable « Daily Agenda » report (from the Calendar page), last week’s lesson notes now appear in the same font as the rest of the report.
  • If you’re using the Microsoft Edge browser, the « < » and « > » buttons on the calendar now display correctly.
  • If you’re using the Microsoft Edge browser, you should now be able to view reports in your browser as expected.
  • The « Back to Studio » link inside the « Student Portal » was not working correctly for some studios, this is fixed.
  • The Daily Agenda email now includes the family’s account balance if you have the « Show Family Balance on Agenda » option turned on. (Prior to this change that setting only affected the home page agenda.)

For Multi-teacher studios:

  • Reports that group by teacher (such as the Calendar, Daily Agenda, etc.) now order the teacher by last name, first name.
  • We back tracked a bit on a change we made last week: Non-admin teachers (in multi-teacher studios) can once again record payments made at the lesson, but the payment amount field does NOT auto-populate with the lesson price, so that information is not disclosed. If you’re an admin, the price box still auto-populates the way it always did.
  • We adjusted the layout of the « Payroll » report so that the column headings line up correctly in Excel/CSV mode.
  • The calendar pop-up menu no longer shows the options to Add Events to teachers who are not allowed to edit their schedules.

We hope you enjoy this week’s updates. Have a great week!

– The My Music Staff Team

Did you know? When setting the attendance for a lesson that’s marked « Make-Up Credit Required« , only the “Present, Make-Up” option is visible for present (if the student actually has a make-up credit). This is to help prevent teachers from accidentally NOT using make-up credits. Make-up credits can still be used at regularly scheduled lessons if your studio works that way (no changes were made in that regard).

Please note: If you require technical assistance please contact our support team at

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