Note-able Improvements

Note-able Improvements

February 29, 2016 Weekly Updated - My Music Staff
Hi Everyone,

Here’s what’s new and improved this week:

  • On the home page agenda, when clicking on a student name, the drop-down list has a new option to jump straight to the student’s « Repertoire » tab.
  • When taking attendance, the « New Rep » field now accepts multiple rep items if you separate them with a semicolon.
  • We fixed an issue on the home page that would cause « Piano » to be incorrectly pluralized as « Pianoes » if you used « Piano » as an Event Category name.
  • On the Email History page, the « Search » feature now searches the « To » and « From » addresses as well as the message title and body.
  • We adjusted the behavior of the calendar filter so that « Hide Full » now hides lessons that student’s cannot join through the student portal if there is at least one student assigned to that lesson. This makes it easier to find open times on your calendar if you don’t allow registration through the student portal.
  • If you download your student details in Excel (CSV) format, the line-breaks in the address fields are now correctly preserved.
  • The « Balance » column on the « Families & Invoices » page is now colorized to help clarify the difference between a positive and negative family balance.
  • If you’re setting up a website hosted by My Music Staff with a custom domain name and you don’t configure your settings correctly, you’ll now see a more helpful error page when you try to access your website through your custom domain.
  • If you use the « Location » feature in My Music Staff, the « Location » name on the calendar popup is now clickable in the student portal (just like in the teacher portal).
  • When adding a new student to an existing family, the existing family drop down list no longer displays inactive families.

Multi-Teacher Studios:

  • On the teacher details « Payroll » tab, the currency text no longer wraps if you live in a country that has a space between the currency symbol and the the numeric amount.
  • We fixed an issue with the payroll feature that could cause old entries to linger if you manually edited the amount of a fixed monthly charge and your teachers are paid a percentage of studio revenue.
  • When you add a new open lesson slot through the « New Default Lesson » shortcut, the teacher’s default Event Category is now used (instead of the studio’s).
  • We added a new option to the « Studio Settings » page to optionally show the teacher’s address in the student portal. (By default this is disabled.)

We hope you enjoy this week’s updates. Have a great week!

– The My Music Staff Team

Did you know? When a new « make-up » lesson is automatically created on the calendar (from a cancelled attendee), the event description is no longer copied. This prevents private information that may have been left for that individual student from becoming public information.

Please note: If you require technical assistance please contact our support team at

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