Timezone Tempo

Timezone Tempo


Here’s the list for this week:

  • Added an « Invoice Balance » placeholder (%InvoiceAmount%) to the invoice and invoice reminder email templates. The « Invoice Balance » displays the invoice amount less any payments received since the invoice date. The original invoice will still be attached to the email.
  • When adding a new lesson from the Day/Week calendar views, the time picker is automatically set to the time slot that was clicked on the calendar.
  • You can now set the default « Account Balance » date to a specific date. This is useful for studios that invoice a term at a time, so the balance date can be set to the end of term date (rather than be restricted to a monthly date).
  • We fixed an issue with the lesson notes email template that could cause the formatting to appear incorrect in some circumstances.
  • If your teach lessons remotely, families can now have a different timezone than the studio. This feature can be enabled from the « Studio Settings » page under « Student Portal« . When enabled, the calendar (including the synced calendar), lesson notes, email history, lesson reminders, etc. will be sent to the student with the time in their local timezone.
  • We’ve improved the student import feature for multi-teacher studios. You can now set the default lesson price for newly imported students directly from the import page.

Did you know?  We’ve added a new column to the Student Details page called « Make-Up Credits (Available)« . The original column, « Make-Up Credits« , displays the total number of unused make-up credits that are outstanding. The « Available » column displays the number of unscheduled make-up credits that are available.

Please note: If you require technical assistance please contact our support team at support@mymusicstaff.com.

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