Mystery Solved!

Mystery Solved!


Hi Everyone! Excellent changes made to location and teacher availability this week. Take a look!

For multi-teacher studios:

  • There’s a new Teacher Availability feature that allows your teacher to indicate the hours that they are available to teach. Once setup, times when the teacher is not available will be « grayed-out » on the calendar in « Day » and « Timeline » views. As an admin, you can specify these hours in the Teacher Details page, or individual teachers can log in and edit their own availability from their « My Preferences » page.
  • Non-admins can now see when locations are NOT available on the calendar (in « Day » and « Timeline » views) making it easier to locate and schedule an available room.
  • We’ve added a new teacher privilege that allows non-admin teachers to see (but not edit) other teacher schedules.
  • If you’re an admin, we’ve added calendar « Sync » buttons to the « Teachers & Administrators » page so that you can sync other teacher’s accounts to your external calendar individually. (For example, this allows you to sync each individual teacher to your Google Calendar using a unique color.)
  • We’ve added a « Note » field to the teacher account.

Other changes this week:

  • The events on the calendar no longer « flicker » when making changes.
  • We’ve improved the calendar Conflict Detection feature with respect to All Day events and locations.
  • We fixed an issue with the calendar that could cause fixed monthly charges to revert to their default values (after editing) in some very rare circumstances.
  • We updated the Family Accounts page so that the text is more helpful when the search feature is active and no families match the search criteria.


Did you know? We’ve added the ability to add more than 2 contacts per family. You can now add as many parents/contacts as the modern family requires.

Please note: If you require technical assistance please contact our support team at

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