My Music Staff Review – OPUS (Part 1)

My Music Staff Review – OPUS (Part 1)


Hi Everyone! My Music Staff was recently reviewed in the Saskatchewan Registered Music Teachers’ Association’s publication of Opus (June 2015)! Thank you to the SRMTA for including us in your e-journal. Barb Levorson has been busy exploring the ins and outs of the application. Part two of her article is expected in the coming months.

FIRST IMPRESSIONS: I am thrilled to be selected to review the software package, My Music Staff, created by the self-titled company located in Burlington, Ontario. Like many teachers, I am currently managing my studio using a disjointed array of spreadsheets, Word documents, and crumpled papers (sound familiar?). I joke my piano sometimes looks like Base Camp at Everest with all the coloured sticky notes waving like flags! In response, I have been turning my thoughts to using a software package to consolidate my information, and help with accounting and scheduling. This review opportunity is very well timed!

My Music Staff promises to manage revenue, billing and expenses, accept payments online, calendar updates and scheduling (I am hoping that student-led scheduling will be possible!), managing student information, track attendance, manage a studio website and blog, and more. There is even a student portal and practice log features!

I have a large studio, teaching infants to adults, private and group lessons, and I teach in multiple locations (my own in-home studio, day cares, and private rental space), both on my own and as part of a co-operative music school with multiple teachers. So I think I have every situation covered! This year I had between 65-70 students and expect that to expand next year, so organization will be key. I am going to be spending the summer learning about the software and getting it in place before September.

I look forward to working with Todd Whaley and his team at My Music Staff, and I am happy to try to answer any questions teachers may have about how you may be able to use this software!

Levorson, Barb. « Product Review- My Music Staff ». Opus 2016: 15. Web. 1 June 2016.—june-2016.html



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