Group Notes to Quaver About

Group Notes to Quaver About


Hi Everyone! We’ve made a few changes to the My Music Staff provided widgets and much more. Take a look below for the full list of updates and fixes:

  • We’ve backtracked slightly on a feature we released a few weeks ago. Instead of copying the lesson notes between students for group lessons, we’ve added a new « Group Note » feature. When you take attendance for a group lesson, you’ll now see a 4th note tab labeled « Group Note« . The group note is shared between all students, that makes it easy to update/correct the group note across all students. Private notes to individuals can still be left in the Student Note/Parent Note fields (these are not shared with the group).
  • You can now remove the Login Widget from your My Music Staff hosted website’s sidebar. This is great for teachers who aren’t using the Student Portal, but still wish to use the Sidebar. We also added a new « Login » page template that automatically displays the login widget in the center of the page.
  • We fixed an issue with the Registration Widget that would prevent it from scrolling back to the top (so your customers could see your « Thank You » message after registering).
  • If you’re using the Student Portal in an iframe (against our recommendation, iFrame FAQ), we’ll automatically hide the « Sign-Up » links so that your parents and students don’t accidentally create teacher accounts.
  • The « Account Balance Display » option has been renamed « Default Balance Date » for clarity under Studio Settings > Accounts & Invoices.
  • The calendar should no longer jump the time when you scroll between dates in Week/Day view (this was a problem with wide displays).
  • We’ve added a « Show Inactive » button to the Families & Invoices page to make it easier to get into an Inactive Family‘s account.
  • We fixed an issue with the SMS Event Reminder that was causing it to incorrectly use the lesson’s start time as the end time.

Multi-Teacher Studios:

  • If you’re using the « Auto-Active » feature with your My Music Staff website (or the Sign-Up widget), students are now automatically assigned, either to all teachers, or to teachers that match their instrument preference (if available).
  • The reports now all allow you to optionally select inactive teachers.
  • The option to hide unused teachers on the calendar is now a sticky preference, so if you turn this calendar feature on, it will remain « Sticky » even if you log out and log back into My Music Staff.
  • We added « Instrument » to the list of available columns on the Teachers & Admins list page.


Did you know? If your studio is using Auto-Pay, the Invoice Email Template will now automatically replace the “Click here to pay this invoice” link with a message that says “This invoice will be automatically paid using…” if auto-pay is successful. We hope this change will cut down on some of the confusion that families using auto-pay experience when they receive their invoice emails. (Be sure to include the %InvoicePayURL% placeholder in your invoice template if you wish to use this feature.)

Please note: If you require technical assistance please contact our support team at

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