Always Improving

Always Improving


Hey Everyone! This week, we’re continuing to build and improve on some of the features we’ve introduced in the past month. Here’s a full list of changes and feature improvements:

  • If an « Inactive » student uses the Sign-Up widget to rejoin your studio, we’ll automatically reuse that student profile instead of creating a duplicate student (their status will be set to « Active« ).
  • Building on last week’s invoice changes, we’ve refreshed the look and feel of the other studio reports for consistency.
  • We’ve updated the look of the notification « Bell » icon to make it more obvious when you have a new notification waiting.
  • The Repertoire tab in the Student Details page now contains a column for the NEXT performance date so you can easily see which rep needs to be prepared first.
  • We fixed a handful of minor layout issues in the Student Portal (affecting parents with multiple students in their families).
  • We made a few internal optimizations to the homepage to make initial login faster.
  • Setting the invoice accent color to white will remove the footer bar at the bottom of reports.


For multi-teacher studios:

  • When you change the teacher of an event, if some of the attendees are not assigned to that teacher, an error message will be displayed instead of silently adding those students to that teacher.


Did you know? Invoices now include a new « accent » color that adds a personal touch to your invoice. We’ve automatically selected a color based on your logo, but you can change this in your Studio Settings.

Please note: If you require technical assistance please contact our support team at

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