Graceful Update

Graceful Update

Hi Everyone! This week we’ve improved a recently released feature, automatic late fees. You can now add a grace period before the automatic late fee is added! We’ve also improved the security of My Music Staff hosted websites. Take a look below for more details. Thank you for your continued feedback!

Check out the rest of this week’s updates:

  • We’ve added the ability to add a grace period between invoice due dates and when automatic late fees are applied. This setting is located on your « Studio Settings » page under « Account & Invoices ». By default, it is set to 1 day after the invoice due date (so an automatic late fee would be applied the day AFTER the invoice is due). You could change this, for example, to 7 if you wanted to give an extra week of time for families to pay before My Music Staff adds the late fee automatically.
  • All My Music Staff hosted websites that use a « » subdomain will now be served automatically using SSL (« https »). If you’re using a custom domain name, it’s not (yet) possible for us to serve your site over SSL, but your sign-up pages, contact form pages and login pages (if you have any) will be served over SSL from the domain. We’ve made this change to eliminate the browser warnings that some new parents/students were seeing when completing the registration form on your sites.
  • If you’re collecting sales tax, we made a minor change to the invoice layout so that the tax rate (%) is shown beside the tax name in the summary part of the invoice.
  • We made an internal change so that some pages in My Music Staff will load a lot faster on mobile devices (and/or older browsers, like Internet Explorer). This should be most obvious on the Daily Agenda page, it should feel a bit snappier when the page first loads on a mobile/tablet device.
  • If you’re using My Music Staff in Germany, German translations for the invoices are now available.
  • We fixed a minor layout issue with the printed version of the Daily Agenda/Attendance Sheets that would cause a placeholder to appear when it shouldn’t.


Did you know? The Student Portal calendar now checks for student conflicts and prevents students/parents from double-booking themselves.

Please note: If you require technical assistance please contact our support team at

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