Sign Me Up!

Sign Me Up!

We have so much to share with you this week! Today, we’re releasing two highly requested features: segmenting the student list by status and a new sign-up widget (beta). Check out the details below!

Cool new features:

  • The Student List page has changed! Waiting Students & Leads are no longer located at the bottom of this page; instead, there is a new toolbar item on the right to change what’s visible. You can select Active, Inactive, Waiting, Leads and…Trial.
  • New “Trial Student » status. A trialing student is functionally the same as an Active student but provides a way to segment your student list so you can easily identify which students haven’t yet committed to lessons for the long term.
  • Custom gender options for non-binary students. This feature must be enabled in your Studio Settings. Once enabled, you’ll see an option beside Male/Female options to provide an alternate entry.
  • We fixed an issue with the Practice Log stats that we introduced in the last update. If a student practices more than 24 hours (woohoo!) the total no longer rolls over at the 24-hour mark.

Other big news: Today, we’re beginning beta testing a new Sign-Up widget! The new widget features a number of usability improvements over the current widget, including:

  • More modern look and feel with colors that can be customized to match your site’s look and feel.
  • Multiple students can now be enrolled at the same time.
  • Custom fields can now be configured to be asked once per form, or once per student (since multiple students can be enrolled at the same time).
  • If your studio enables custom genders, students or parents can specify this on the form.
  • We now use the invisible re-captcha so that parents and students won’t get stumped by this when the fill out your sign-up form.

Click here for a quick video preview of the new sign-up widget!

If you’d like to help us beta test the new widget, please email and we’ll enable this in your account!

Additionally, we’ve included some new features in the current sign-up widget as well (also available in the new widget):

  • Students can now be automatically set to Trialing (instead of just lead/waiting/active).
  • A confirmation email can be sent to the parents when the sign-up form is completed. A new email template for this is available in your Studio Settings page.
  • There’s now a standard field for collecting the student’s school. (Now all the optional fields in the Student Details page can be collected directly from the sign-up form.)


Did you know? We’ve added some new stats to the Practice Log so you can easily see if a student has practiced more (or less) than the week and month before.

Please note: If you require technical assistance, please contact our support team at

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