Be Reachable to Extend Your Reach

Be Reachable to Extend Your Reach


We live in an age where we can answer almost any question with a quick Google search from the smartphone that’s glued to our hip. The expectation of instant answers has changed the way people interact with each other, which has also extended to the way they interact with businesses – big and small. Your current students and potential new leads need to be able to find you online quickly and conveniently.

You need to be reachable, but don’t worry – this doesn’t mean you need to be on-call 24/7.

The best way to be reachable passively is a studio website. This will be working for you around the clock, providing general information about your studio. You can include the answers to your most commonly asked questions by maintaining an up-to-date FAQ section. This would be the first place your students or new web visitors look for help regarding policy or lesson inquiries.

If someone can’t find their answer, give them another way to reach out to you. Consider publishing a contact form directly on the website. Again, this doesn’t mean you need to answer it immediately. Most customers just want the reassurance that someone will be answering their question at some point. An informative form submission message letting them know the form has been submitted and a time range of when someone will get back to them will often do.

No matter how many contact methods you choose to offer, you should engage with your customer in a timely and convenient manner. Set the expectation for when they can expect a response. As an example, your voicemail message can simply state that what your studio hours are and that you’ll return the call within 2 business days.

Another way to be reachable? Use My Music Staff. Set up your website, contact forms and student portals so your families and prospective clients can connect with you. What are you waiting for? Try a free 30-day trial today!

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