Laundry List of Changes!

Laundry List of Changes!

This week, we’ve got loads of little improvements to help you during this busy fall season (and yes, that is a laundry pun). The bulk of this week’s improvements are aimed at enhancing the user experience and making life a little easier by saving you some clicks. We made several changes throughout the app that will remember where you left off. When you revisit the page, you won’t have to go searching again or reconfigure the same settings!

This week’s improvements:

  • The calendar view mode and date is now sticky for the duration of your session. So now if you’re looking at a specific date, then surf over to the Student Details page, when you return to the calendar you’ll be looking at the same date.
  • When you change your Calendar Preferences the entire calendar is now reinitialized so you can see all changes right away.
  • The column settings are now remembered on the Attendance & Notes tab of the Student Details page.
  • If you switch the teacher for an Event that has already had the attendance assigned, any make-up credits that were issued or used will be reallocated to the new teacher. (This change does not affect substitutes, it’s only when the original teacher is changed.)
  • We added a note on the Email page to reassure everyone that emails with multiple recipients will BCC everyone.
  • We cleaned up the messaging of in-app and email notifications when a student completes the sign-up form.
  • If you have a multi-teacher studio and you view the calendar in Timeline mode; the instrument groupings are now sorted alphabetically.
  • Angle brackets (and other special characters) are now allowed in the Studio Address field and Invoice Footers.
  • We changed the SMS Event Reminder and Cancelled Event templates to use a shorter date format to prevent messages from exceeding the 140 character limit and splitting into multiple messages.
  • We made some internal improvements to the Student Portal to make the Homepage and Online Resources pages load faster.
  • Our “50+ Teachers & Admins” plan will be discontinued.  After today, membership plans for studios with more than 50 teachers/admins will still be available, but the monthly fee will apply for each teacher and admin.

Here’s what we’ve fixed:

  • The Student Details report now correctly displays the parent information for students whose parents are also adult students.
  • If you change a teacher’s default billing rate and click “Save”, the text box no longer displays “Per Lesson” if the teacher is teaching monthly or something else.
  • We fixed the incorrect tooltip text on a couple of “Download” buttons.
  • We fixed an issue with the Studio News that could prevent embedded videos from displaying correctly.
  • We fixed an issue with the sign-up widget for multi-teacher studios that would sometimes, unnecessarily assign students to all teachers automatically. (It now only assigns them if the Login Email is automatically sent and no preferred teacher is detected.)
  • We fixed an issue with the Student Portal homepage incorrectly displaying “$0 due” invoice if there are future dated invoices. (As well, voided invoices are no longer displayed on the homepage if they exist.)


Did you know? We’ve also revamped our Product Knowledge Base and gave it a fresh makeover, making it easier for you to find the answers to your MMS-questions. Check it out here!

Please note: If you require technical assistance please contact our support team at

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