Winter 2020 Social Media Calendar for Music Teachers

Winter 2020 Social Media Calendar for Music Teachers

As a music teacher or studio owner, you have so many things to stay on top of in order to keep your business running smoothly. One thing that takes up a lot more time than you have is managing your studio’s social media accounts. Finding time every day to post is hard enough, and when other things get in the way it’s easy to fall behind. Social media accounts for small businesses like your studio don’t need to be a chore. They can be a fun way to share snippets of daily life as a music teacher and build an online community that really showcases the value you have to offer. The best way to stay on top of your social media game is to get organized. Our free Winter 2020 Social Media Calendar has 3 months worth of content – specifically designed for music teachers!

You may not be able to schedule 5-20 minutes every day to take a photo, find graphics, think of a caption, type out your hashtags, and post – especially when something unexpected comes up. But, if you can commit to finding 1 hour every month to schedule as many posts as you can for the following month, you’ll actually get ahead. To schedule posts, you can use Facebook Publishing Tools or a third-party platform, like Hootsuite.

We recommend setting up a Facebook Business Page and and Instagram account to start. Facebook is a great spot to quickly share information to a large group of people, whether it be on your own page or posting as your page in another group. You can quickly create ads to generate more leads, and easily capture their information by linking those ads to your My Music Staff registration form. Instagram is designed specifically for mobile devices, so you can capture photos and videos on your phone and easily share them with your followers. The My Music Staff Winter 2020 Social Media Calendar has posts for Facebook and Instagram so you can reach your audiences without overwhelming them on one platform.

Download the Winter 2020 Social Media Calendar today, and check out our Spring Calendar here!

Download now!

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