Calendar & Student Tweaks

Calendar & Student Tweaks

Here’s a summary of changes to My Music Staff for the week of May 20th:

  • We’ve updated the home page agenda so that student repertoire that’s currently « In Progress » will be displayed below the student’s name. This will help teachers with a heavy student load remember which pieces their students are working on. If you’re not using the Repertoire feature in My Music Staff the agenda will look the same as before.
  • The calendar has been updated to put a line through events (such as lessons) where all the attendees are marked as « Absent ». This allows you to see at-a-glance which students won’t be attending their lessons.
  • We’ve added a new student state called « Lead ». Students can now be one of the following:
    • Active – Actively taking lessons
    • Inactive – No longer taking lessons (but was previously active)
    • Waiting – On your student waiting list (but not currently taking lessons)
    • Lead – A lead on a potential new student, but is neither active nor on your waiting list
  • We’ve also fixed a number of minor usability issues (i.e. small changes to the calendar layout, website editor, etc.).

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