New Report Center

New Report Center

Report Center

This week we’re adding a new « Report Center » option to My Music Staff’s main menu. This page is the new central place where you can create and download reports from your studio’s data. Currently, the Income & Expense report, Attendance Summary and the Mileage Report are located there.

As we add new report types to My Music Staff they will appear there. We’ve removed the « Reports » tab from the Expenses & Other Income page, since the new Report Center page made it redundant. For our multi-teacher users, we’ve added the « Teacher Summary » report, which provides a per-teacher breakdown of:

  • Total billable hours
  • Number of billable lessons/events taught
  • Studio revenue

This information can be used for payroll purposes to determine how much your teachers worked. (This report can be created as both a PDF and as a spreadsheet.)

New Report Center

Calendar Changes

We made a few small improvements to the calendar this week. Now the calendar will display a small « x » before an event if all the attendees are absent. (This replaces the line through the text that was used in the past.) If the attendance is taken and all (or some) students are present a check mark is displayed. If the attendance hasn’t been taken, neither an « x » nor a check mark will be shown. This change, while small, allows you to see at a glance if:

  • A student regularly misses their lessons
  • If the attendance is taken
  • If a lesson is cancelled
  • In multi-teacher studios you can determine which teachers are behind on attendance

We also added a new option to display the full list of student names on the calendar instead of « Multiple Students ». To enable this feature, access your « My Preferences » page and turn on « Show All Student Names on Calendar« . The Google/iOS calendar feed will now also include the word « (Absent) » for events that are cancelled (i.e. all attendees are absent).

New Attendance Icons

Other Changes

In addition to those changes, we also rolled out a handful of other minor changes and improvements:

  • We’ve improved My Music Staff’s performance in Chrome. Now pop-ups should be buttery smooth when they open
  • We tweaked the way events are listed on the calendar so that the student names appear first. This way, on small screen devices you can always see the student name (or initials), even if everything else is cut off.
  • The calendar now starts on Monday for members in the UK (and other areas where that’s expected)
  • We reworked the option for sending login information to individual parents (from the Student Details page), so you can now send login information to both (or either) parent separately.
  • We fixed a handful of minor glitches in the website editor, specifically the page for create custom contact forms
  • We tweaked the home page agenda so that it displays better on small screen devices
  • The student list now displays a small « blue » envelope icon beside student/parents who are receiving email reminders. We also added an option at the bottom of the student list page to turn on/off email reminders in bulk. (You’ll only see this feature if you have email reminders turned on in your studio settings.)
  • We fixed many issues related to the multi-teacher features that were rolled out last week. Thanks to everyone who found and report problems to us (both knowingly and unknowingly) 🙂

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