New Calendar Report, Birthday Emails and More

New Calendar Report, Birthday Emails and More

This week we’ve made a number of smaller changes to My Music Staff while we work on some bigger things behind the scenes.

Here’s what new this week:

  • We’ve added a brand-new calendar report on the Calendar page (use the black « Print » button to access it). You’ll get a printable version of whatever month is currently visible in My Music Staff in the typically calendar « grid » format. You can change what’s included in the printed calendar by changing the visible month, and/or filtering by student, event type and/or teacher.
  • We’ve added a new Birthday email reminders feature and email template. You can enable this feature in your account  from the « Studio Settings > Email » tab and My Music Staff will automatically email a message to your students on their birthdays.
  • The Event Reminder email template now has two new placeholders that can be used to customize the email message (%StudentFirstName% and %StudentLastName%).
  • We’ve changed the « Download » button to say « Print » on the calendar page to better reflect it’s purpose.
  • Payments can now be edited directly from the « Recent Payments » tab on the Families & Accounts page (this makes it easier to find and fix data entry errors).
  • You can now select all « Waiting » parents from the Email page (i.e. any parent whose children are all set to « Waiting » status).
  • An email notification is now sent to teachers when a parent/student unsubscribes from email reminders.
  • For multi-teacher studios: Non-admin teachers can no longer add/import students (or change the teacher assignments of a student).
  • Last but  not least, we’ve improved the student import feature and made a number of smaller internal changes to My Music Staff.

In addition to the software updates listed above, we’ve also made some behind-the-scenes changes to make My Music Staff work better if you’re on a mobile device and switch from WiFi to 3G (or vice-versa) while using the site.

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