A Waaaaay Better Login Widget

A Waaaaay Better Login Widget

Today we’re launching an updated My Music Staff login « widget ». If you don’t already know, the login widget allows your students to login from a 3rd party hosted website (like a WordPress blog). Today’s update dramatically improves the login widget in a few ways:

  1. Your students can now request a password reset directly from your site
  2. Failed log in attempts are now handled directly on your site
  3. If your students use the « Remember Me » checkbox, they can log back into the site in one-click (this makes it much easier to access the Practice Log)

To use the new widget, embed the following code on your page:

<script src="https://login.mymusicstaff.com/widget/v2/Login.ashx" type="text/javascript"></script>

If your website is hosted with My Music Staff then you already have this update! Here it is in action:

The New Login Widget
The New Login Widget
"Remember Me" Allows Quick Access
« Remember Me » Allows Quick Access
Invalid Password Handled On Site
Invalid Password Handled On Site

We’ve also made the usual set of smaller tweaks and improvements. Here’s what new:

  • We changed the default date range used when creating invoices so that the next month is pre-selected if you’re invoicing after the 15th of the month
  • We changed the title displayed in the Student Portal to the name of your studio (instead of the title of your website)
  • When you clone an event from the calendar, it no longer clones the student lesson notes
  • We’ve added a chart to the Expenses and Other Income page so you can see past and future (predicted) income
  • We fixed a number of minor issues with the calendar (the pop-ups are more reliable and we fixed a problem with leap-year birthdays)
  • The PDF version of the student list has been updated so that the parents are listed with each student
  • On the Student Email page  we merged the « Students » and « Parents » drop down lists into one, and added « Teachers » as an option for multi-teacher studios
  • We fixed the Agenda report so that « All Day » events now actually display « All Day »
  • We added a « %Duration% » placeholder to the Event Reminder emails so students can tell how long their lessons are
  • You can now mark students as Active/Inactive in bulk from the bottom of the Student list page
  • We’ve updated the font faces in all the reports and invoices so that they are Unicode friendly (for members using languages that don’t use Latin characters)

And finally, next Monday (August 4th) is a holiday up here in Canada. To accommodate the holiday weekend and staff vacation time, there will be no regularly scheduled update next week. We’ll resume updates the following week.

Have a great week!

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