Better Studio Email

Better Studio Email

Hi Everyone,

Here’s a list of what’s new this week:

  • HTML Email – Now you can format the emails you send to your students from My Music Staff. You can bold, center, underline, change fonts, and more!
  • Email from Practice Log – Students can now email you directly from the practice log if you enable this feature. To turn this on go to your « My Preferences » page and turn ON « Allow students to email me from the Practice Log ». By default this feature is turned off.
  • Email History – The email history now shows both « From » and « To » addresses in the email summary. If student’s email you from the practice log, it will be saved in the email history.
  • Practice Log Order – The practice log now displays the most recent entries at the top by default.
  • Attendance Status Display – We’ve removed the billable symbol « ($) » when viewing the attendance history for a student (in both the student and teacher portal). This makes the attendance history a bit more elegant. You’ll still see the symbol as a quick reminder when you’re taking attendance.
  • Student Portal Log – My Music Staff now keeps track of student portal logins. You can now see when a student logged into My Music Staff by turning on the « Last Login » field on the Student List page.
  • Shortcut – We’ve added a shortcut from the Student Details page so that you can jump from the « Family » tab to the Family Account page.
  • Smarter Back Button – Now when you use the My Music Staff « Back » button (that occasionally appears at the top of the page), it will more intelligently take you to the previous page.
  • Mobile Layouts – We’re improving the layout of My Music Staff on mobile devices. Some buttons now display their icon only to save space. We’ve also improved the way pop-ups work on iPhones so that the OK/Cancel buttons don’t bring up the Safari toolbar anymore.
  • More Consistency – When you click the « Save » button on the Student Profile, it now saves both the student and parent contact information at the same time, regardless of which tab you’re on.

Have a great week!

– The My Music Staff Team

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