Show Me The Money!

Show Me The Money!


Hello everyone!

Today we’re excited to announce an exciting new feature in My Music Staff that we know a lot of people have been waiting for, as well as a number of smaller changes. Here’s a list of what’s new this week:

Payroll Calculation

We’re excited to announce the initial roll out of payroll functionality in the multi-teacher version of My Music Staff. Each individual teacher now has a payroll account which can be seen on the « Teacher Details » page (located from the « Teacher & Administrators« ). Teacher payroll items can be automatically generated using either a percentage of studio revenue, or a flat hourly rate based on the number of hours taught.

To get started, edit each teacher from the « Teachers & Administrators » page, and turn on their payroll option at the bottom of the Teacher Details page. Just like with invoices, teacher payroll entries are automatically created when lessons are scheduled, and are connected with student attendance. Additional information is available in the FAQ.




Other Changes

Here’s a list of some of the smaller changes that are also included this week:

  • Sync: The Google calendar sync has been updated to help fix issues caused by Google last week.
  • Student Portal: The student portal calendar has been updated. Now when trying to registering for an event that is closed, the calendar will indicate why (i.e.: sign-up deadline passed or event full).
  • Student Import: We’ve improved My Music Staff’s bulk-load feature for importing students.
    • Known column names are automatically matched on import
    • If no parent name information is provided, My Music Staff will import the student as an adult
    • We’ve added the ability to import a second address line (for sources that provide 2 address lines)
  • Login Widget: The Login Widget has been updated to fix problems when used on with Wix hosted websites.
  • Search: We’ve added « Search » functionality to the « Expenses & Other Income » page.
  • Misc: Numerous internal optimizations, fixed typos and revisions have taken place in the My Music Staff back-end to further enhancing usability.

We hope you enjoy the improvements this week and find them useful. Have a great week!

– The My Music Staff Team

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