A Lot of Everything

A Lot of Everything


Hi Everyone! There’s no theme to this week’s update. We have a variety of different updates available! Here’s what changed this week:

  • If you’re using an iOS device (iPad/iPhone) to sync your calendar, cancelled lessons will now appear shaded with a line through them making them easier to distinguish from lessons where the student is still attending.
  • Invoices are now available in Portuguese.
  • LinkedIn is now available as a social media profile link in My Music Staff hosted websites.
  • « Teacher Absent » events are now included in the Expanded Invoice format.
  • We fixed a minor issue in the Mileage Tracker that could prevent it from calculating mileage outside of North America.
  • We’ve added a new invoice/account option to make prices display without tax (tax exclusive). When this option is enabled, the invoices (and family accounts) will display the individual line items without tax. When entering prices (i.e. lesson cost), tax must still be included.
  • When invoices are set to group by student a subtotal line (per student) is now displayed.
  • The « Enter » button on your keyboard is now the default « OK » button for popups. (« Esc » still works as Cancel.)
  • Multiple files can now be removed at once from the Download Library.
  • When adding a new student to your studio, you can now add contact details for two parents (similar to how this was before we introduced additional parent/contacts).

Multi-Teacher Studios:

  • You can now set the permissions when adding a new teacher. We’ve also reordered the permission options to make them more clear.
  • When scheduling a lesson, the selected teacher’s preferred lesson location is now used automatically (instead of the logged in teacher).


Did you know? There’s a new option under “Website” to include your social media profiles in your website footer.

Please note: If you require technical assistance please contact our support team at support@mymusicstaff.com.

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