Birthdays, Birthdays, Birthdays

Birthdays, Birthdays, Birthdays

This week we’re introducing some changes to the calendar and student details centered around birthdays.

We started by adding birthdays to the main calendar; you can now see birthdays as individual events. By default this option is enabled but it can be turned off in your Profile Settings page. We decided not to include birthdays in your iOS/Google calendar feed automatically, but you can turn it on in your Profile Settings.

View student birthdays directly on the calendar. Click to enlarge.
View student birthdays directly on the calendar. Click to enlarge.

Next, we’ve added Birthday and Age as columns on the main student list. Rather than trying to guess which information should be visible and which should be hidden on the student list, we’ve added a « Visible Columns » option. This allows you select which information is shown by default when displaying your students.

Click to enlarge
Choose which information is visible in the student list. Click to enlarge.

We’ve also added a free-form « School » field to the student information. This can be used to keep track of which school the student attends if you’re teaching students from (or at) multiple schools.

We’ve enhanced the calendar so that the « Day » header now scrolls with the page. If you have a very busy schedule and your calendar extends beyond the bottom of the screen, the day of the week headings will now move down with the page.

We’ve also included two changes in the student portal:

  • Students can sync to their calendar to Google calendar/iOS (the same way the teacher does)
  • Students can now filter their calendar to only display the events they’re attending (this is useful if you have a large number of publicly visible events)


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