Clear skies and sunny days ahead!
We’ve weathered the New Feature storm, everyone! We can all take a breath. If you’re still experiencing issues and our in-app Help Center doesn’t quite …
We’ve weathered the New Feature storm, everyone! We can all take a breath. If you’re still experiencing issues and our in-app Help Center doesn’t quite …
We couldn’t do this without you, music lovers. A couple of weeks ago, we refreshed the Repertoire feature using your ongoing feedback over the years. …
New can be great but might not be perfect: Thanks to everyone who provided feedback on our big Repertoire update from last week. Based on that feedback, …
This week we’re introducing major changes to the Repertoire feature in My Music Staff. We’re updating the way repertoire is stored internally so that a …
There’s a major change around the corner! We don’t normally provide a preview of upcoming changes, but we’d figure we’d share some of the excitement …
The « Balance Paid/Balance Owing » text and color in the Parent Portal is now consistent with the Teacher Portal. So when parents and adult students sign …
To infinity… and beyond! We’re doing our best to make My Music Staff faster and more efficient to serve your studio’s needs, and we’ve implemented …
If you haven’t already guessed, this week’s update involves notifications! We’ve reworked the email notification options. You can now individually toggle the following email notification …
You get a SMS! And you get a SMS! Everybody gets a Cancellation SMS! Building on our previous update; when you cancel a day’s worth …
Fix-It Day might not be an official holiday, but here at My Music Staff we decided you might like a pick-me-up after the long weekend. …