Calendar & Agenda Enhancements

Calendar & Agenda Enhancements

December 7, 2015 Weekly Updated - My Music Staff

Hi Everyone,

This week we’ve got a handful of new features and improvement to My Music Staff that we think everyone will enjoy!

Here’s what new and improved this week:

  • On the home page « Agenda« , you can now change the date to peek ahead at tomorrow’s agenda (or backwards to see yesterday’s).
  • The « Billable Hours » report now includes a grand total at the bottom of the report.
  • If you’re accepting credit cards with Stripe and you charge a « Convenience fee » for online payments, the convenience fee details are now automatically captured and added to the family account.
  • The « Lessons Taught » report now has an option so that you can create an « Hours Taught » report. It shows the same information but sums up the total number of hours per month/student/etc.

Changes for Multi-Teacher Studios:

  • When entering Payroll payments, the « Expense Category » is now remembered for future payments.
  • Teachers now have an « Instrument » field in their profiles. If Instrument is specified for teachers in your studio, the Sign-Up form will convert the « Instrument » field to a drop-down list, and the calendar 2.0 will group teachers by instrument in « Timeline » view.
  • The calendar 2.0 now has the option to display events by Location in « Day » and « Timeline » view.
  • There’s now a tiny bit of spacing between events on calendar 2.0 to match the look of the v1 calendar.
  • « Timeline » can now be selected as a default calendar view in your « My Preferences » page.
  • On the teacher profile page, there is now an « Attendance » column on the « Payroll » tab to make it easier to spot check the teacher’s attendance history.
  • The « Payroll » report also has a new « Attendance » option that includes the attendance if the Payroll Details are turned on.

We hope you enjoy this week’s updates. Have a great week!

– The My Music Staff Team

Did you know? My Music Staff has many helpful « how to » videos available on their YouTube channel. See all the videos here.

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