Calendar and Invoice Changes

Calendar and Invoice Changes

Today we’ve rolled out a handful of changes to the calendar interface in an effort to improve overall readability.

We’ve moved the « Calendar Tools » buttons from the right hand side of the screen to the up above the calendar. This provides the calendar with the maximum horizontal space so that it reads better (especially for teachers with busy schedules). This allows the individual days to be wider, and fewer events to « wrap ».

We also changed the « Week » and « Day » calendar views to display an « Agenda » style format. This view takes up more vertical space but makes it easier to see where there are gaps in your daily schedule. (You can now also drag and drop events to reschedule the time in both the day and week views.) The « Agenda » style only appears if you view the calendar on an iPad or desktop. Small screen devices (like iPhones) will still see the basic day/week view.

In addition to the changes listed above, we also tweaked the calendar layout for small screen devices. The « Day, Week, Month » headings are now compressed to better fit on a small device and lesson events are abbreviated with the student initials so they take up less space.

This weeks changes aren’t limited to the calendar, we’ve also made a few other changes elsewhere in My Music Staff:

  • The home screen now displays the number of payments received this month
  • Any newly generated invoices will display the invoice amount on the list of invoices (this value will be blank for invoices you’ve already created…sorry!)
  • The date when invoices are emailed is now saved. If you hover over the « Emailed » checkbox on the invoice list the date the invoice was mailed will be displayed
  • We’ve added a « Notes » field to both Student and Parent profiles (this is a private field, visible only to you)

As always, your feedback is appreciated!

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