Can You Hear Me Now?

Can You Hear Me Now?

We’ve released an update to our Help Center! We now have more extensive help videos, which include audio instructions. They also have subtitles, for those who prefer to watch Netflix on mute.

To find them, click on the question mark icon in the top right-hand corner in your My Music Staff account.

You can also visit our new Support Center at Explore our new help articles! You can even click to open these articles in-app so you have the instructions within My Music Staff.

We’ve made other improvements and fixes over the last few weeks too. We just didn’t tell you because it was the holidays and we were sure everyone was busy!

Some website-related fixes and improvements:

  • We’ve added YouTube to the list of Social Links that you can publish in the footer of your My Music Staff-hosted website.
  • Fixed an issue with custom website backgrounds not working if there was a space in the background filename.

We added “Instruments” to your Student Details Repertoire tab!

  • The Repertoire tab in the Student Details page now includes the “Instrument” column. This is helpful for teachers who have students learning multiple instruments.

Invoices have also had some work done (and they look beautiful):

  • We’ve tweaked the layout of the “Amount Due” fields on invoices so that it won’t wrap awkwardly if the amount owing is large (or if your invoices are not in English and the “Amount Due” translation is quite long).
  • If you’re using invoices in Condensed format; multiple lessons combined into a single line item no longer display the date beside them. We made this change to avoid confusion with some families who thought the single line item was for one lesson.

Student Portal fixes:

  • If a student (or parent) joins or cancels a lesson through the Student Portal it now generates a message in the Studio Notification log.
  • For teachers who have students in different time zones, we fixed a minor issue with the calendar that could cause All-Day events to appear on the wrong day in the Student Portal.


Did you know? Our new Student Sign-Up widget can register more than one student at a time for your studio. Perfect for a busy parent!

Please note: If you require technical assistance, please contact our support team at

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