Date Range Quick Pick

Date Range Quick Pick

Date Range Quick Pick

Hi Everyone,

This week we’ve got a hearty list of smaller changes in My Music Staff:

  • Any place in My Music Staff that allows you to select a date range (i.e. on invoices or reports), there’s a new drop-down button to quickly select common dates, such as « Last Month », « Next Month », etc. You can still manually pick any date range you need if necessary. This feature just makes it faster if you’re selecting commonly used dates.
  • We’ve updated the « Expense/Other Income » categories so that they can all be deleted even if you’ve already used them (just like event categories). This allows you to keep your list of categories concise even if there are some that you’re no longer using.
  • We fixed an issue with the GPS Start/End trip button that would prevent it from working in some countries.
  • The invoices have been updated so that if the « Include Previous Balance » option is turned OFF, then payments in that invoice period are also omitted. This allows it to behave more like a basic invoice rather than a full account statement.
  • We fixed an obscure issue with the calendar that would cause events that were setup using a « blocked date » category to block themselves when being edited.
  • We’ve updated the « Account & Invoices » page in the Student Portal so that only current and past invoices are displayed. If you generate your invoices ahead of time in My Music Staff, they won’t appear in the parent portal until the « Invoice Date » arrives.

The following changes apply to the multi-teacher version of My Music Staff:

  • When editing a teacher’s account/profile settings, you can now switch between teachers using a drop-down menu at the top of the page. You don’t need to go back to the teacher list page anymore.
  • When adding a new teacher to your studio you can now setup their payroll settings right away. Before you had to create the teacher and then edit their profile to enable payroll.
  • If you edit a student’s default lesson price through the teacher page, My Music Staff will now ask if you’d like to make the change retroactive (the same way it does if you change the student’s profile through the student page).

Have a great week!

– The My Music Staff Team

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