Document Disconnect

Document Disconnect


Does your studio use multiple programs to keep track of your day to day business? How many tabs do you have open in your browser? Do you find yourself losing countless hours scheduling everyone in your Google Calendar, while their billing information is stored in an Excel spreadsheet? Do you open your Word document with families’ contact information, then flip to your Gmail to send them an email? You are not alone! This is a common issue known as Document Disconnect.

Document Disconnect is the need for manual intervention to enter information from one system to another. When programs do not directly communicate with each other, it interrupts what should otherwise be a seamless process. 81% of business leaders of all sizes of business say they suffer from Document Disconnect, where tools that were meant to work together do not integrate. Entering information into multiple systems can take up your valuable time and increases the risk of costly human input errors.

So how can you combat Document Disconnect?

  • Find a product that can store everything in one place. You can manage communication, scheduling and invoicing in one system without entering everything twice.
  • Use a cloud-based system to protect your data. If you trust all of your information to one computer, you risk losing everything in the case of hardware malfunctions, theft or damage.
  • Reduce time spent on administration by automating as much as you can. Spend more time teaching and less time stressing.

My Music Staff can do everything your music studio needs.  Take care of scheduling, attendance, invoicing, payments, your studio’s website and more – all in one place. Start your FREE 30-day trial today, and say goodbye to Document Disconnect!

Start Your 30-Day Trial Today

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