Drum Roll Please

Drum Roll Please

my music staff update March 18 2016

Hello everyone! Here’s what’s new this week:

  • The « Posts » page has been renamed « News & Blog Posts » to more accurately reflect what that page is used for.
  • When lessons are automatically converted to an open make-up slot (by your studio policy), if the original lesson had a specific per-student fee, that fee is no longer automatically copied to that make-up slot (since you probably didn’t intend for that to happen).
  • If you’re using a My Music Staff hosted website, you can now publish content to the « sidebar » below the student login widget. This is a great place to add badges, recommended links and other content that you wish to share. You can access this feature by clicking « Website » from the main menu, then select the new « Sidebar » tab at the top of the screen.
  • We fixed an issue with the email templates that could cause them to stop working if your email template included JavaScript tags.
  • When creating new invoices, if you have « Include Previous Balance & Payments » turned off you can now filter the invoice so that it only includes charges from a specific category. This makes it possible to invoice for books or specific types of lessons after you’ve already created an initial invoice for the month/term.
  • We cleaned up the icon sizing on the « News & Blog Posts » page so that it looks more consistent.
  • The calendar’s scheduling conflict detection feature now ignores private lessons with absent students.

For multi-teacher studios:

  • There’s a new option under « Teachers & Administrators » to indicate if a user is a teacher or not. This is helpful if you have a front-desk user who shouldn’t appear in the list of teachers in My Music Staff. When the « Teacher » option is turned off, that user can’t have students assigned, be booked for lesson and their name will not appear in the Sign-Up Widget’s list of preferred teachers.
administrator and or teacher
Users can now explicitly be set as « non-teachers ». Click to enlarge.
  • When students book a lesson and/or make-up through the student portal, the email that is sent to the teacher (or studio admin) now includes the teacher name. This helps clarify what lesson was just booked.
  • On the student details page, the email history is now selective. If an « Invoice » email was sent, it can no longer be seen by teachers who do not have access to the Accounts & Invoices page.
  • In the Student Portal, the « Make-Up Credit Required » popup now more clearly states that the make-up credits must be owed to the student by the same teacher who is teaching the make-up lesson.

Did you know? There’s a new “Teacher Title” field available in your “My Preferences” page so that you can store your proper title (i.e. “Mr.”, “Mrs.”, “Dr.”, etc.) . If you populate this field you can use your title in the email templates.

Please note: If you require technical assistance please contact our support team at support@mymusicstaff.com.

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