Easy Upload

Easy Upload


Hi Everyone! This week we’ve made some excellent improvements to the Media Library upload behavior and Auto Pay. Take a look at all of this week’s updates:

  • We’ve updated the file upload feature so that you can now drag-and-drop multiple files onto the page when adding files to your website Media Library.
  • For studios using PayPal Pro or Stripe, we’ve added two new options to the « Studio Settings > Online Payments » tab:
    1. You can now force all (newly added) credit cards to use auto-pay.
    2. You can require families to keep at least one verified payment source on file (i.e. credit card or bank account).
  • We’ve moved the « Calendar Sync » settings from the My Profile page onto the Calendar page. Now all the calendar settings are accessible directly from the calendar page.
  • We’ve updated the Revenue and Expense report to provide additional formatting options. Now the report can be ordered/grouped by any of the 4 previous types (date, payment method, payer/payee or category) and run as either Itemized or Summary mode. This allows for a few new possibilities, like Summary by Payment method, so you can create a report to show a total of your Stripe, Cash and Check/Cheque payments.
  • If you use the « Email Student » or « Email Parent » buttons from the Student Details page to send an email, you’re now returned back to that same Student Details page when your email is sent.
  • We’ve also made a number of internal structural changes in preparation for some larger improvements.


Did you know? During the online payment process, there is now an option to enable auto-pay if the parent chooses to store their card on file..

Please note: If you require technical assistance please contact our support team at support@mymusicstaff.com.

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