Features for Multiple Teachers

Features for Multiple Teachers


Today we’re excited to announce the beginning of our public beta test for the multi-teacher version of My Music Staff! (Don’t worry, if you’re a single teacher studio, the price for My Music Staff remains the same!)

We’ve been hard at work for the last several months to make this transition as smooth as possible. For current single teacher studios that use My Music Staff, the site has the same look and feel its always had, but if your studio grows you now have the option to add extra teachers to your account!

The biggest change you’ll notice today is that we’ve split the old « Profile Settings » page into two new pages: « Studio Settings » and « My Preferences« . Studio Settings contains all the information that’s specific to your school (such as the name of your school, invoice address, your My Music Staff subscription settings, etc.). The My Preferences page contains your user account specific information (like your name, email address and password).

If you’re managing multiple teachers and would like to participate in our beta test, please email support at support@mymusicstaff.com. [Update: The beta test has now ended, and multi-teacher features are available to everyone. To switch to the multi-teacher version of My Music Staff, change your Plan in your « Studio Settings » page on the Membership tab.]

In addition to the changes listed above, we’ve also made a number of other adjustments for single teacher studios.

  • You can now set the attendance for a day from the calendar page (select « Take Attendance » from the day’s drop-down menu)
  • You can now disable the auto-complete when adding Expenses or Other Income in My Music Staff (this is located on the « My Preferences » page)
  • The default start time on the calendar can now be changed in My Preferences. This sets the first time that is shown when you view the calendar in « Day » or « Week » mode
  • We’ve added a new « Student » filter to the calendar page so that you can view all events with no student’s attending
  • As mentioned above, the « Profile Settings » page has been split into « Studio Settings » and « My Preferences » pages

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