Our latest update is full of tweaks & fixes that may seem small, but will make a big improvement in your day-to-day. Check out our improvements to the Add New Student page… and more!
Student Management
- When adding another new student, the instrument field is now cleared if the previous student added had one (or more) assigned
- We added back the optional fields when adding new students
- In the student list, you can now see two teachers and their corresponding default event options listed, instead of just a “Show more” button for students assigned to more than one teacher (for students with more than two teachers, you’ll see the button to show more)
- The Notes column in the student list now shows you a clickable button when there are notes available (the button will open a pop-up dialog so you can view them)
- We fixed an issue preventing new student notes from being added in a student’s profile
- We fixed an issue where making changes to a student or teacher’s instruments wasn’t being saved
- When adding a new student, there is now an automatic check to see if the family contact is a duplicate
Calendar & Attendance
- We updated the printable calendar in month view so it only includes the current month (without days from other months before and after)
- When hovering over events on the calendar that are part of a series, other events in that series are highlighted
- We fixed an issue with the calendar Attendance Sheets incorrectly printing as the Student Attendance Report… again 🤦♀️
- When editing attendance you’ve already taken, you’ll now always see the option to record a payment
- Overdue attendance is now available for teachers who can take their own attendance but not edit their lessons
- We now display an accurate error message when trying to drag and drop an event to add a substitute teacher in the studio-wide event column
- In the teacher-organized timeline view, you can no longer click to open the event pop-up in the instrument row (and teachers without instruments are now visible!)
- We made some tweaks to the layout for several devices so tablets will display the desktop layout in many cases, and touch screen devices use the correct touch display
- We added the ability to display multiple labels on invoices to give a clearer picture of what step the invoice is at (emailed, sent, overdue, etc.)
- We made another change to improve the load times of the message history
- We’ve made pieces of repertoire clickable from the home agenda
- We fixed an issue preventing duplicate repertoire entries from being merged
- We “unstickied” the toolbar in the text editor on mobile to prevent the issue of one of the icons being stuck under the toolbar
- We fixed an issue preventing online lessons (through Skype, Zoom, and FaceTime) from launching correctly from the home agenda
- We fixed an issue where the sign-up widget displayed both the success message and the error message if the Captcha failed (now just the error message displays!)
- Various small cosmetic & grammatical changes throughout
Please note: If you have any questions or require assistance with your account, please contact our support team at support@mymusicstaff.com