Full PayPal Integration

Full PayPal Integration

A few weeks ago we began to accept membership payments through PayPal. That meant that if you wanted to become a My Music Staff member and pay by PayPal, instead of a credit card, you could.

Today we’re introducing another exciting new change: student payments through PayPal. This exciting change means that you can accept online payments from your students by linking your My Music Staff account with your PayPal account. When a student pays you, My Music Staff will automatically track the payment details and record it into your account. That makes it easier for you to get paid and less work for you.

Enabling this feature is simple:

  1. Login to your My Music Staff account and select your Settings page (click your name at the top right hand corner of the screen and click « Settings »)
  2. Select the Online Payments tab
  3. Check the « Enable PayPal Integration » checkbox and enter your PayPal email address
  4. Click « Save » to save your changes

That’s it.

Now when you send an invoice a « Pay this invoice online » link will automatically be inserted into the invoice footer. Or, your students can also pay you by logging into the My Music Staff student portal. A « Make Payment » button will appear on their Account & Invoices page.

Using the PayPal integration feature is completely optional. You don’t need to be subscribed to My Music Staff with a PayPal account to use PayPal integration, it’s completely separate.

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