Happy Holidays

Happy Holidays

December 14, 2015 Weekly Updated - My Music Staff

Hi Everyone,

From the whole team at My Music Staff we would like to say Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! Thank you all for such a great year. This will be the last scheduled system update for 2015. We have lots of new features planned for 2016, and we look forward to resuming our regular weekly update on January 4, 2016.

Here’s what new and improved this week:

  • We updated the « Mileage » settings behavior (on the Studio Settings page); if you’ve setup My Music Staff to automatically create mileage expenses, you can now change the rate retroactively
  • We updated the « Income and Expense » report so that students who pay a flat monthly rate are no longer grouped as « Other » income; their default lesson category is used instead
  • We changed the default Income category for lessons payments from « Lesson » to « Payments from Families » for better clarity on reports (this change affects new accounts only, but you can change your existing account by editing the categories under Expense & Other Income)
  • We’ve added new settings under « My Preferences » to limit the range of dates that are synced with a connected calendar. The new default is 12 months into the future; this change was made to reduce the amount of mobile data used for studios that schedule lessons many years into the future
  • We updated the Make-Up Credit report so that the previous balance of make-up credits can be carried forward onto the report (rather than just showing make-up credits issued and used within the reporting period)
  • We fixed the date-picker popup so that it won’t display off the screen on Android devices
  • We updated the PDF student list download so that students who are set as « Waiting » and « Leads » can now be included
  • On Calendar 2.0 we changed so behavior so that the « Day » and « Week » views scroll again (like Calendar 1.0), which makes it possible to view events on your calendar that happen before your calendar’s start time
  • On Calendar 2.0 the « day » popup menu now has a title that shows which date was clicked, and it should now always appear within the bound of the screen
  • On Calendar 2.0, in multi-teacher studios the teacher names now appear in correct order (with « Studio Events » first)
  • We updated the student payment process so that the family name is displayed at the top of the page. This is helpful if you’re a teacher who’s using the student portal process to make a payment to yourself, you can confirm that the payment you’re making is for the correct family
  • The credit card details popup window no longer disappears in the Student Portal when a parent tries to change their billing country
  • The « Placeholders » drop-down menu on the SMS template editor now pops up in the correct location on mobile devices
  • If your studio is setup to convert a cancelled lesson to a make-up slot, you’ll now see the make-up lesson created as a separate event on the calendar. This enhances the clarity of the make-up lesson and corrects an issue that affects the make-up credits for students who pay a the same amount each month

We hope you enjoy this week’s updates. Have a great week!

– The My Music Staff Team

Did you know? You can add a charge to multiple family accounts at once (bulk). See the Faq article here.

Please note: If you require technical assistance please contact our support team at support@mymusicstaff.com.

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