


Hi Everyone! Today, we’re launching a new self-help tool that replaces the old popups that we were using. This allows you to quickly get the help you need from within the app! This new help system provides a number of benefits:

  • All the FAQ information that was available on our site is now contained within the help system directly, so there’s one central place for all our documentation (in-app!).
  • The help will persist from page-to-page, so if you’re following instructions that take you across several pages, the help will open again as you navigate the site.
  • Many of the old help popups contained out of date or inaccurate information. This new help system is easier for us to keep up-to-date, so it will be updated more frequently and we’ll be able to keep the information accurate even as the site changes week to week.

Can’t quite figure something out? Do you need to contact support? Click Help in the top-right corner of your My Music Staff account.

This new help system is in the trial phase. Does it help? Let us know what you think!

Other changes include:

  • The « Past Notes » popup now includes previous Group Notes if available.
  • If you select the « New Category » option when adding a charge/discount to a family account, My Music Staff will now accept an existing category name if you enter a category that already exists.
  • In the Student Portal, toggling between « Day » and « Week » mode now displays the agenda style view (with the schedule spaced out, rather than condensed). The day/week views also use the teacher’s start time (rather than a default of 7AM).
  • Fixed an issue with our alternate SMS provider that would prevent SMS messages from being sent if the studio name contained special characters.


Did you know? On the Families & Invoices page, we’ve added a new « Categories » option that enables you to create new charge categories (that are not tied to the calendar). This makes it easier to add a category for books or other materials that you charge families for.

Please note: If you require technical assistance please contact our support team at

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