Important: Sort, Import, Port(al)

Important: Sort, Import, Port(al)

Here at My Music Staff, we love being organized. We’re sure you do too! Our updates this week are all about optimizing your online organization! (See what I did there?)

Online Resources:

  • We’ve modified the Online Resources section in the Student Portal so that items are sorted by filename by default. This makes your resources easier to find and consistent with how the list appears in the Teacher Portal.

Revenue & Expenses: 

  • We’ve fixed the Revenue & Expense import feature to use default categories when no category is provided in the import data.
  • We’ve optimized the Revenue & Expenses page to load faster if you have the charts hidden.

Student Portal:

  • We’ve made a few minor adjustments to the Student Portal to improve the accessibility of various buttons for the visually impaired.


Did you know? Your My Music Staff-built website is now https supported (a.k.a. secure!) You’ll hear from us if you need to update your domain settings.

Please note: If you require technical assistance, please contact our support team at

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