Bits & Bytes

Bits & Bytes


Hello everyone,

This week we’ve have made a number of smaller fixes, improvements, and enhancements to My Music Staff.

Here’s a list of the changes we made:

  • The home page agenda now displays the Event/Lesson location if one is provided.
  • We’ve updated the way event conflict detection works so that it’s a little smarter with absent students (and teachers for events with all students absent). This should reduce the number of false conflict warnings.
  • We’ve added an option to the « Studio Settings » page that allows you to completely disable the calendar conflict detection. For multi-teacher studios, this is a studio-wide setting (on or off for everyone) so that individual teachers can’t disable it and accidentally create conflicts in your beautifully organized studio.
  • We’ve changed the language used on the family account pages. The phrase « Add Credit » has been replaced with « Add Discount » so that it doesn’t get confused with make-up credits.
  • On the family account pages the column names have changed to « Payments & Refunds » and « Charges & Discounts » for better clarity. Refunds are shown as negative payments and discounts are shown as negative charges. We’ve also added tool-tips for each item so that you can hover over the family line items to see what’s what.
  • If you’re using a custom domain name with My Music Staff, we’ve made some changes so that the « www » hostname prefix can be omitted. If you want to take advantage of this feature you’ll need to setup your DNS settings to alias both « » and « » to our servers.
  • We changed the way make-up credits are issued for make-up lessons. If a student is on a fixed monthly billing plan (or is not using automatic charges at all), My Music Staff won’t issue a second make-up credit if the original make-up lesson is cancelled.
  • We’ve added a new option to the attendance screen so that when you mark a student as absent in advance, that lesson time can be converted to a make-up lesson slot. This option is only visible if your studio allows event sign-ups through the student portal and the deadline to join an event has not passed.
  • We fixed a handful of other minor looks and feel issues throughout the site.

We hope you enjoy all the bits and bytes! Have a great week.

– The My Music Staff Team

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