January Tune-Up

January Tune-Up

January 11, 2016 Weekly Updated - My Music Staff
Hello Everyone,

Here’s what’s new and improved in My Music Staff this week:

  • We’ve added a « Teacher Phone Number » and « Studio Phone Number » placeholder to the Event Reminder email template. This allows you to provide a contact phone number if the student should phone the studio (or teacher directly for multi-teacher studios).
  • You can now set a Location when adding a « Non-Teaching Event » directly from the calendar.
  • If you have custom fields on the student sign-up form, the form fields are now emailed to you in the same order they appear on the form. Additionally, a blank line is inserted in between each custom field in the « Notes » section of the student details page for readability.
  • From the Calendar, if you delete a recurring event and select « Future Events« , all those events will now be deleted, even if the attendance was already taken. (Prior to this change, events which had the attendance taken were skipped which caused a bit of confusion.)
  • In the multi-teacher calendar, filtering by teacher now removes those teachers from the « Day » and « Timeline » views (just like in the old v1 calendar).
  • The « Payment Received » email now correctly uses your region settings when an online payment is made (currency symbol and date formats are now consistent with your studio settings).
  • We updated the date picker so that it no longer jumps to 1900 if you click on the wrong area, and it also now displays correctly on iPhone/Android phones.
  • We fixed a rare condition that could cause no payroll entries to be created for students who pay a flat monthly rate and have no default category assigned.
  • If you rename a file in the « Download Library » the file extension is now always preserved (so you can’t accidentally rename a file to something that a student can’t open).
  • We fixed an obscure problem that affected various pages on the site which would cause the page to stop responding until you refreshed it.
  • When editing an event, you should be returned to the same day/month on the calendar when you save your changes.
  • In multi-teacher studios, if you drag a calendar event onto a teacher who isn’t assigned to the student attendee, the error message you receive is now actually helpful.
  • Printing the calendar by month now works again as expected.

We hope you enjoy this week’s updates. Have a great week!

– The My Music Staff Team

Did you know? You can automatically charge credit cards as soon as you email invoices to your families. Read more about My Music Staff’s « Auto Pay » feature here.

Please note: If you require technical assistance please contact our support team at support@mymusicstaff.com.

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