Lessons, Events & More

Lessons, Events & More

Non Teaching Events

Hi Everyone,

This we’ve added a new « shortcut » to the calendar making it easy to add « Non-Teaching » events. You can use this feature for any non-student related events that you may wish to add to your calendar such as doctor’s appointments or anything else you may need to schedule.

Non Teaching Event In My Music Staff
View from the Calendar. New > New Non Teaching Event.

Other changes and improvements this week:

  • On the calendar event popup, the event time (and price) are now correctly localized.
  • Fixed a bug in the Website « Gallery » page that would cause the image list to temporarily disappear when adding more images to a gallery.
  • We updated the student « sign-up » widget to block duplicate new student sign-ups. (Some families were confusing this with the login page and repeatedly joining a studio…over and over and over…)
  • We updated the « Account & Invoice » Settings page to make it easier to use the invoice number placeholders. No more « copy and paste »; now it’s all « point and click ».
  • We updated the « Account Summary » page so that if you add a transaction in the future, the Balance Date automatically moves ahead to that date so you can see the transaction that was just added.
  • We fixed a word-wrapping issue in the calendar event pop-ups, so no long URL’s (or other text) won’t break out of the pop-up.
  • We renamed « Library » to « Library & Downloads » on the main menu for greater clarity. This change affects both the teacher and student portal.
  • Last week we added a private note field to the Lending Library that was simply called « Note« . That has now been renamed to « Private Note » and we’ve added a « Public Note » that’s visible in the student portal.
  • We added a « Link » button to the email composer window so you can include hyperlinks in the emails you send to your studio.

We hope you enjoy this weeks changes and improvements! Have a great week everyone.

– The My Music Staff Team

Did you know? You can change your My Music Staff login password or if you have lost or forgotten your password you can have a temporary one emailed to you. Read the full FAQ here.

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