Leveling Up

Leveling Up


Hey Everyone! Thanks for all the great feedback from last week’s update! Here is our list of improvements for this week:

  • The « Next Lesson » box on the student portal now looks ahead indefinitely.
  • The Practice time chart now ignores non-active students in the family.
  • The « Previous Notes » panel now only looks back to notes left in the last few months. This is to avoid presenting out-of-date information to students when the teacher no longer records lesson  notes.
  • We renamed the « Level » column on the Student List page to « Skill Level » so it’s consistent with the phrasing used on the Student Details page.
  • Fixed an styling issue with the website editor that would prevent links on the « Golden Rod » website theme from appearing correctly.
  • Drag and Drop on the calendar now uses your « Time Picker Interval » setting down to 1 minute granularity. So if you’re a teacher who schedules down to 5 minutes/1 minute precision, the drag and drop feature should be a tad more user friendly now.
  • We’ve updated the chart on the Expenses & Other Revenue page.
  • We’ve modified the way that the « Paid » status on invoices is set. Now if you enter a future dated payment (such as a payment you’ll deposit tomorrow), it will toggle the paid status of current invoices.


Did you know? We’ve updated the Student and Parent Portal. It’s now easier than ever for Students and Parents to view all of their important information in My Music Staff.

Please note: If you require technical assistance please contact our support team at support@mymusicstaff.com.

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