Loop + Repeat

Loop + Repeat

The embedded video/audio player in the Media Library now has the ability to loop specific ranges. This allows students to repeat specific sections for practice without having to manually rewind the track each time.

Other Updates:

  • Receipt emails now include an attached PDF receipt. The receipt shows your studio address, the amount received (or refunded) and generally provides something a little more “concrete” than the previous simple email. You can also download receipts for past transactions using the little “download” button beside any payment or refund on the family account.
  • If you’ve been using Chrome on Desktop, we’ve disabled Chrome’s auto-complete on fields that My Music Staff auto-completes for you (so the two auto-complete features won’t fight). #makelovenotwar
  • We’ve significantly improved the performance of the Sales Tax report. It should load much more quickly now.
  • We’ve adjusted our web servers’ internal tuning in an effort to alleviate slow loading pages that some teachers have reported particularly during peak hours. We’re continuing to monitor and make adjustments as necessary.


Did you know? We’ve added the number of Trial Students to the Students page header (beside the total number of active and waiting students).

Please note: If you require technical assistance, please contact our support team at support@mymusicstaff.com

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