Minor Changes This Week

Minor Changes This Week

Today’s update is relatively small. Here’s what we changed in My Music Staff this week:

  • If you download your student list in Excel format, it now includes the number of make-up credits the student is owed
  • We fixed a bug in the student age calculation which in some situations would show the student being a year older than they actually are
  • The invoices now include the lesson duration (i.e. « 30 mins », « 45 mins »)
  • If you click « Cancel » after editing an event, you’re now returned to the month you were previously viewing
  • We fixed a timezone related glitch which could hide some « Overdue Attendance » items for a few hours
  • The agenda now has a popup for overdue library items (so you can see which materials are due back from the home page)

Behind the scenes, we’re continuing to work on some more significant changes to the website. Specifically, we’re adding the ability to manage multiple teachers from a single My Music Staff account. We’re working hard to make these changes in a way that won’t affect you if you’re an individual teacher. We know you’ve spent considerable time learning to make the most of My Music Staff, and we don’t want you to have to learn a new interface.

For teachers who do need to manage multiple teachers, we think you’ll appreciate the changes we’re making. You’ll get the benefit of My Music Staff’s familiar interface, but you’ll see new options that help you manage your growing studio.

This major change is still weeks away. We’ll keep you posted on our progress and make another announcement as we get closer to completion.

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