Multi-Teacher Features Now Available to All

Multi-Teacher Features Now Available to All

Today we’re pleased to announce a formal end to the beta test of My Music Staff’s multi-teacher features. Thanks to everyone who helped out and provided feedback!

Now anyone can now upgrade to the multi-teacher version of My Music Staff at any time. If you’re an individual teacher and you hire someone else to teach for you, you can easily switch plans and add a second (or third) teacher to your account.

If you’re subscribed to My Music Staff with a credit card, you can upgrade or downgrade your account at any time from the « Membership » tab on the Studio Settings page. We’ll automatically pro-rate any billing differences to the start of your next billing cycle. (If you’re subscribed using PayPal, you’ll need to unsubscribe first, then resubscribe on the preferred plan.)

New Features and Changes

This week we made a number of minor changes to My Music Staff. Here’s what’s different:

  • The calendar size is now proportional to the size of your browser, so the entire month view should fit on your screen without scrolling (unless you have many items on the calendar, in which case the calendar will inevitably stretch).
  • We’ve enhanced the Student Import feature we added last week to fix a number of minor issues and make it easier to import student lists from other programs.
  • Pop-ups can now be submitted using the « Enter » key on your keyboard (or use « Esc » to cancel).
  • We fixed a number of typos (thanks to our eagle eyed members who submitted them).
  • We’ve added new placeholders for the student names in the Lesson Notes email template.
  • When invoicing, now only Active families are displayed.
  • In Multi-Teacher studios, we’ve added a new stat box so administrators can see all the lessons/events remaining on the home page.
  • In Multi-Teacher studios, administrators can now see overdue attendance for all teachers on the home page.

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