My Music Staff Review – American Music Teacher

My Music Staff Review – American Music Teacher


Hey Everyone! My Music Staff was recently reviewed in the Music Teachers National Association’s publication of the American Music Teacher (December/January 2016-2017). We would like to thank the MTNA for including us in the issue. We would also like to thank Sandra Bowen for taking the time explore and write about the application.

I’ve been looking for an intuitive studio management program since the 1980s; I think I may have found it in My Music Staff. Unlike its primary competitor, the app Moosic Studio: Student & Music Studio Manager, My Music Staff is a web-based program. Finally there is a studio management solution that won’t be iPad versus Android tablet, or Mac versus PC., but software that is accessed via the internet.

My Music Staff is appealing from the moment you arrive at its site. It’s clean, colorful and inviting. Setting up you studio is very straightforward– add your students and schedule their lessons. After entering parent information, billing is simple and automatic. They’ve thought of everything: refund and credit policies, invoicing of books (with sales tax computation!), calendar sync, and how to enter and organize your music library. You  can even create a website through the program. Documentation is clean and simple with video instruction.

My experience with former studio management software had not been successful. I would spend hours setting up the program/app, only to find that it lacked the content or flexibility that was critical to my studio management.

My Music Staff is $12.95 monthly for unlimited students and storage. If you’re not happy with your current method of billing, library organization and the like, take advantage of their 30-day free trial.

Bowen, Sandra. « My Music Staff ». American Music Teacher 2016: 59. Print.

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