Poco a poco!

Poco a poco!

Hey, Everyone! We’ve been working really hard to improve the mobile experience of My Music Staff lately. This week we’re excited to introduce a new mobile layout for all tables used on the site. We think this will really improve the user experience across mobile devices.

While we are working hard to improve the mobile experience, we also understand that this is not the same as having a dedicated app. A dedicated app is definitely in our future, but we want to make sure that we approach this huge project in the best way possible so that all of you have the best experience. Don’t worry, we hear all of you! 🙂

Check out the rest of this week’s updates:

  • New mobile layout for all the tables used on the site. You can now click on a row and it will expand to reveal additional important information.
  • If you have multiple My Music Staff accounts, we now allow you to use a duplicate Website URL if you’re using the « I have a website hosted somewhere else » option.
  • For the 3rd time, we think the email editor is working as expected so that you can now color and highlight links and have them actually appear that way in the emails you send. (This issue seemed simple enough, but was way more complicated than any of us could have imagined.)


Did you know? If your studio has « Allow Partial Payments » DISABLED in the Student Portal, the « Make a Payment » button will now use the last UNPAID invoice as t

he amount owing by default. If there are no unpaid invoices, it will use the family’s account balance..

Please note: If you require technical assistance please contact our support team at support@mymusicstaff.com.


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