Practice Makes Perfect

Practice Makes Perfect

This week we’ve made a few more changes to the My Music Staff « Home » page. As suggested by several members, we’ve added the student’s practice time to the Agenda. For studios with students that use the Practice Log feature, you can now see how many hours of practice time your student has logged since their last lesson and any practice notes they’ve entered. This is a great way to complete the communication cycle with your students, and allow them to get the most out of their lesson time with you.


The practice notes are visible when you hover (or click) on the practice time. You won’t see anything if the student didn’t leave any practice notes.

We’ve also added the option to hide the « Project Monthly Income » and « Payments Received This Month » boxes from the teacher homepage. Some members keep My Music Staff open on their studio computer all day and prefer this information not be visible to parents or students in the studio. These settings can be found on your My Preferences page.

There is a new « Attendance Summary » report that’s available from the Report tab on the « Expenses & Other Income » page. This report allows you to download a summary of lessons by Absent, Teacher Absent, and Present attendance status. (We know that « Expenses & Other Income » isn’t the most intuitive place for this report. It will be relocated in a few weeks as part of a larger change to My Music Staff’s reporting capabilities.)

In addition to the new Attendance Summary report, we also added a bulk download, and bulk delete options to the reports tab.

We hope you enjoy these improvements. Have a great week everyone!

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