Preparing for a September to Remember

Preparing for a September to Remember

As we prepare for the beginning of September, today’s update focuses mostly on the upcoming Sales Tax feature, with only a few minor visible changes. We’ve also made a number of internal improvements and bug fixes. Here’s what’s different this week:

  • We’ve added a « Remittance » button on the Expenses page for tracking Sales Tax remittances (this is only visible if you have Sales Tax setup in your studio; still beta testing).
  • There’s a new Sales Tax report which reports the amount of sales tax collected on revenue, paid on expenses and remitted to the government.
  • We’ve changed the Student Portal calendar so that events which are full, and the student is not attending are not visible by default. This reduces clutter and makes it easier for your students to find open slots if you make your schedule visible to all students. There’s a new button labelled « Show Full Events » which will turn these back on.
  • We’ve improved the Webpage Editor so that it more clearly warns you if your webpage cannot be saved (usually due to a missing title or some other field).
  • The income forecast chart on the Expenses and Other Income page now takes into account any refunds that have been issued.
  • When editing a teacher’s profile (in the multi-teacher version of My Music Staff), Inactive students are no longer displayed in the student list.
  • We made some optimizations to the way the Families & Invoices page is displayed to improve the load time for larger studios.
  • The « Hide $0 Due » button on the invoices tab of the « Families & Invoices » page now also hides invoices which have status « Paid ».

Next Monday is Labor day (or Labour Day depending on where you live), so there will be no regularly scheduled update.

This fall we’re looking forward to introducing a number of exciting new features and changes. Some will be big, some will be small, but they’re all going to be great!

See you in September!

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