Here A Search, There A Search

Here A Search, There A Search


Hello everyone!

This week we have some great new changes & additions we think will not only make your life a whole lot easier but also save you time. Here’s a list of what’s new this week:

Here A Search, There A Search, Everywhere A Search Search!

Spending too much time scrolling through long lists of Students or the Email History trying to find that needle in a hay stack? Voilà! In order to help save you even more time, we’ve introduced new search functionality to the following pages:

  • Student List
  • Email History
  • Lending Library
  • Download Library
  • Family Accounts (in the Families & Invoices page)


Happy Searching!

Here’s a list of the other changes we made this week:

  • Lending Library: An « Item Description » can now be edited once created.
  • Report Center: The « Attendance Summary » report has been improved upon so that the chart Y-axis no longer shows fractional attendance.
  • Mileage: The « Mileage » page layout has been optimized for space constraints and overall page clarity.
  • Numerous internal changes have been made to better enhance how My Music Staff functions for teachers who use My Music Staff in multiple browser tabs simultaneously.
  • Calendar: Printed Calendar reports now display the « Location » icons; these replace the bullets that were previously included.
  • Calendar: Lesson Location is now included on the printable « Attendance Sheets » and « Daily Agenda » Pdfs.
  • Students: The « Excel » Students download list has been updated to now include the « Note » field. This download now also includes Unicode text.

We hope you enjoy these improvements. Have a great week!

– The My Music Staff Team

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