Get Sent Straight to the Inbox

Get Sent Straight to the Inbox


Spam detection has grown more sophisticated over the years and there’s a chance your studio emails are getting sent to the junk folder. Something called Sender Engagement is now a factor in determining which emails make it into your recipients’ inboxes and which make it into their junk folder.

So, what is sender engagement?

Email providers will create a Sender Score to identify your sender reputation. This is similar to a bank running a credit score, but to determine your reputation as an email sender. If you are sending a high number of emails, but the recipients are not opening or engaging with the emails, your sender engagement will drop and the recipient’s email provider may move your emails to junk mail.

One sure-fire strategy to avoid the junk folder? Ask your students and parent to put your email address on a safe senders list.

Aside from this, here are some tips you can do to increase the likelihood of getting to their inbox:

  1. Use different email addresses for your transactional and promotional emails. Your invoices and lesson reminders should come from one email and your newsletters and announcements from another.
  2. Limit your promotional emails and consider sharing some information in a self-serve environment such as a Student Portal, blog, or on your social media channels.
  3. If you decide to send promotional emails, aim to send no more than one a month. Make sure they are short and as relevant to the recipient as possible. This will allow people to read the email more quickly and hold their attention.
  4. If you offer email lesson reminders, allow families to opt into rather than making it the default.

With My Music Staff, you can post important announcements to the Student Portal and send emails directly from your account. You can also host your website and publish blog posts to limit the number of emails your families receive! Try it out for free today!
Start Your 30-Day Trial Today

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