Small Fixes, Big Payoff

Small Fixes, Big Payoff

For all you avid mobile My Music Staff users, you’ll be happy to hear that you can once again delete Recent Transactions! Go ahead and start deleting! Just kidding, you probably shouldn’t do that…

Check out what else is new:
  • The Practice Log chart on the Student Portal homepage now displays minutes instead of fractional hours.
  • Setting a student’s Start Date to a future date now causes the « Student Since » field to display blank.
  • You can now switch between result pages on the mobile version of My Music Staff.
  • For multi-teacher studios: You can now create studio-wide non-teaching events from the « Add Non-Teaching Event » popup.
  • The Student Portal homepage no longer shows parents the « Last Invoice » status box if your studio has disabled the Account & Invoices page.
  • On the mobile version, the Recent Transactions tab now has a « Delete » button as in the desktop version.
  • The search/filter popovers now automatically close if you click anywhere else on the page.

Did you know? We’ve made a handful of changes to how the Registration Widget works when a student is already on your Lead or Waiting List.

Please note: If you require technical assistance please contact our support team at

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