SMS Reminders (Beta)

SMS Reminders (Beta)

My Music Staff SMS messaging beta.

Hello Everyone,

This week we’re excited to announce that we’re beta testing SMS (Text Message) reminders. This feature is now available in your My Music Staff account, and you can enable it from the Calendar page. Click « Event Setup » at the top of the page, and you can enable this feature on a Category by Category basis.

Additionally, you’re able to send SMS reminders at a different interval than email reminders. For example, you can send email reminders 24 hours in advance, and SMS reminders 2 hours in advance.

Keep in mind, we are in the testing phase of this feature, so don’t bet your entire teaching business on it just yet. There are a number of changes and improvements that are planned for this feature over the next several weeks. For example, you can’t (yet) edit the text of the reminder message, but this capability is coming.

Additionally, SMS reminders are one-way, so they go to the student, but the student can’t reply to you.

We’ve made a few other change to the site:

  • We’ve changed email reminders so that they are now configured on an Event Category by Category basis. For example, you can now set Recital email reminders to go out a week before, and Lesson reminders to go out 24 hours before.
  • We’ve optimized the way invoices are created so the PDF file sizes should be a bit smaller (and in some cases, a lot smaller). This makes them easier to email and use less data if you’re opening them on a mobile device.
  • We’ve improved the Download Library so that you can have many more nested folders (and much longer filenames) than before. A few teachers ran into these limitations and they’re now removed.
  • We fixed a problem with the Student Portal that would prevent some students from viewing borrowed items.
  • We fixed a very obscure problem that would prevent students using the Facebook browser on iOS from logging into the student portal.

We hope you enjoy this weeks updates.

– The My Music Staff Team

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